

RTF files: What is rich text format?

Discover the versatility of RTF files for easy document sharing.

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A brochure RTF file being emailed as an attachment.

The default file format that comes with your word processing software will often be the best option. Still, knowing how to use other file formats is helpful, especially if you’re collaborating with others. Rich text format (RTF) is lesser known than file formats like DOCX or XLSX, but it’s reliable, simple, and compatible across systems. With RTF, you can create and share documents across Microsoft, Mac, and other systems without worrying too much about formatting.

Whether you’re drafting a quick note, collaborating on a document, or preserving formatting for future edits, RTF is a straightforward file format. In this article, we’ll answer some common questions about RTF, including what it is, how to open and edit it, and how it compares to other file formats like PDF.

What is RTF or rich text format?

Rich text format (RTF) is a file format that enables exchanging text files between different word processing programs. You can identify RTF files by their .rtf extension. Most word processors can open them.

RTF files contain formatting data, including bold, italics, font size, and margin settings, as well as the actual text of the document. This means that when you open an RTF file in a word processing program, the text will retain its original format.

Microsoft invented the rich text format to simplify exchanging text between different systems without the worry of formatting issues. RTF file formats support some formatting but are less advanced than Microsoft Word (DOCX) files. However, RTF’s simplicity is its strength. The lack of advanced features makes RTF files more compatible across devices and operating systems.

Similar to other plain text documents, RTF offers several advantages, including:

  • Formatting. RTF files support various formatting options, such as bold, italics, underlining, font styles, and colors, enabling well-structured and visually appealing documents.
  • Images and objects. RTF files can include images, tables, charts, and other objects, making it easier to organize and visualize data.
  • Cross-platform compatibility. Different word processing programs on various operating systems can open and edit RTF files, ensuring easy sharing and compatibility between Windows, Mac, and Linux.
  • Data preservation. RTF files retain formatting information, which ensures a consistent appearance when shared or opened on different devices or software applications.
  • Accessibility. RTF files are readable by humans and machines, making them suitable for archiving, data extraction, and indexing.

Neither plain text nor RTF files offer advanced editing. If you want to annotate text, request signatures, or collaborate with others, convert RTF to PDF with the Adobe Acrobat free online converter.

Advantages and disadvantages of RTF files.

Rich text format is great for basic text content and simple formatting. While it’s a popular format, it still has pros and cons. Understand the benefits and drawbacks of using RTF to decide whether it’s the best fit for your project:

RTF files offer great advantages for document transfer and compatibility but still have limitations. For example, they can’t retain certain types of formatting, such as track changes or comments, and they can’t support certain kinds of images or objects.

The RTF format has pros and cons, but it’s a good choice if you need to share small, text-based files with minimal formatting. However, it isn’t possible to password protect these files, which can cause security concerns. It’s also less popular than DOCX and PDF, which have more features.

PDFs are better for cross-platform collaboration and give your document a professional polish. Convert PDF to RTF to make editing easy.

How to open an RTF file.

Word processors are the easiest and most popular way to open RTF files, which allow you to create, edit, and format documents while retaining their intended appearance. Web-based document viewers like Google Docs also provide reliable support for RTF files, allowing for collaborative editing.

When working with RTF files, you should know how to open and access them using different software applications. Let’s explore different methods for opening RTF files on different systems, including macOS and Windows, and converting them to PDF using Acrobat.

Opening an RTF file format on Mac with Pages.

The RTF file format has an edge over DOCX files because it’s more compatible with macOS. If a document is created in Microsoft Word on a Windows computer, you can ask the sender to save it as an RTF file before downloading it to your Mac.

Follow these steps to open an RTF file in Apple Pages on a Mac:

1 Open Pages.

2 Go to File > Open.

3 Locate the RTF file on your Mac and click Open.

Pages will import the RTF file, retaining its formatting.

Opening an RTF file format with Word.

To open an RTF file with Microsoft Word, follow these steps:

1 Open Microsoft Word.

2 Go to File > Open.

3 Locate the RTF file on your computer and click Open.

4 When the document opens in Word, click File > Save As. From the file option drop-down menu, select RTF.

How to open an RTF file with Acrobat.

To convert an RTF file to PDF format using Acrobat, follow these instructions:

1 Open Acrobat.

2 Go to File > Create > PDF from File.

3 Choose the RTF file you want to convert and click Open.

Acrobat will convert the RTF file to PDF format, retaining its original formatting. Then you can save the converted PDF file to the desired location on your computer.

You can also use the PDF converter tool to convert a PDF to other formats, including XSLX, PPTX, and DOCX.

Creating and editing an RTF file.

The easiest way to create an RTF file is with WordPad, which comes pre-installed on Windows machines:

1 Open WordPad and create or edit your text.

2 Click File > Save As. From the file type drop-down menu, choose RTF.

3 Name the file and click Save.

You can also create or edit an RTF file in a Microsoft Word document. Create your DOCX file and go to File > Save As. From the file type drop-down menu, choose RTF.

The easiest way to create an RTF file on macOS is with TextEdit, which comes pre-installed. Open TextEdit, create your text, and click File > Save As. From the file type drop-down menu, choose RTF, and then name and save the file.

If you’re trying to edit text on the go, both iOS and Android devices support RTF editing. To create, open, and edit RTF files from your smartphone, download the Pages app on iOS and Microsoft Word or Google Docs app on Android.

Do more with Acrobat.

While RTF files have limitations, they’re still an excellent choice for seamlessly sharing documents with other users, especially if they use a different operating system. Still, RTF might not always be the best option for collaboration, especially if formatting is a concern.

With tools like Acrobat online services, you can effortlessly convert RTF to PDF files while preserving the original formatting, ensuring the content’s integrity and accessibility in a universally accepted format. Discover what more you can do with Acrobat online services to convert, share, and send PDFs.

Frequently asked questions.

Is RTF still supported?

Yes. While it’s considered more outdated than newer options like DOCX files, most text editors and word processors still support RTF file formats. You can easily create, open, and edit text with applications like Microsoft Word, WordPad, TextEdit, and Google Docs. However, RTF files don’t support advanced formatting or layouts, so they’re best for simple projects.

Can I password protect an RTF document?

The answer depends on the software you are using. Some word processors come with password protection and encryption features. You can always convert your document to PDF with Acrobat and password protect it.

Can I create interactive elements or forms in an RTF?

RTF files are great for basic formatting but don’t support more complex elements. You can convert your file to PDF using Acrobat, which supports form creation and interactive elements.

What is the difference between RTF and PDF?

RTF is a text file that preserves basic formatting, like fonts and colors. It’s widely compatible and supported by most text editors. It’s generally smaller than a PDF file but doesn’t support advanced features like password protection or e-signatures. PDFs allow you to view documents in a fixed layout and often aren’t editable or allow for limited editing. They’re universally readable and ideal for sharing final, professional-looking documents that are difficult to tamper with.

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