Adobe Acrobat

Send a PDF for signature

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Acrobat Pro

The highly secure PDF and e-signature solution with advanced tools.

Add text, highlights, and drawings to PDFs
Convert almost any file to or from a PDF
Limited usage
Edit text and images in a PDF
Share PDFs for review and collect feedback
Collect e-signatures and track responses in real time
Limited usage
Get unlimited access to 25+ PDF and e-signature tools
Over 70K* files uploaded!
Join thousands of users who have successfully sent PDFs for signature using Acrobat.
*Over an 18-24 month period.

How to request a signature on PDF files

Follow these easy steps to request signatures from others to sign PDFs and track progress:

Documents being sent for for signature requests
  1. Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a file into the drop zone.
  2. Select the document you want to send for signature.
  3. After Acrobat uploads the file, sign in.
  4. Add recipients’ email addresses, then click Next.
  5. Mark where signers need to fill in and sign.
  6. Click Send to send your document for e-signing.
  7. Track progress and send reminders if needed.

Try our online tool to request signatures for free

Multiple people with a plus sign demonstrating how easy it is to collect online signatures from others

Request signature on PDFs

When learning how to send a PDF for signature quickly, use Adobe Acrobat online services. The Request e-signatures tool lets others sign PDF documents online without any hassle.

A stack of files with an Acrobat Sign logo showing that you can let others e-sign your documents

Get others to e-sign documents

Acrobat makes e-signing a snap. Just sign in to Acrobat, then add signers and assign the fields they need to complete. After a quick preview, click Send to email your signature request.

A browser with the Acrobat Sign logo representing free easy e-signing

Send for signature to recipients for free

Recipients receive a link to the online agreement by email. After opening it, they can sign the doc online in seconds for free, with no downloads, sign-ups, printing, or scanning required.

An analog clock representing how fast workflows move with e-signatures

Speed up document workflows

The Acrobat e-signing tool saves considerable time. Instead of overnighting documents, you can send a contract in a few minutes, and recipients can immediately add their e-signatures online.

A signed file with a lock demonstrating e-signatures you can trust

Request signatures you can trust

The Acrobat e-signature tool uses Acrobat Sign technology to ensure tamper-proof, signed agreements. You manage the signing process for your important documents — from start to finish.

A PDF that represents high-quality e-signing tools from Adobe Acrobat

Try high-quality Adobe tools for free

Our e-signing tool lets you seal deals in record time. With a free Acrobat account, you can complete two request e-signatures transactions every 30 days on a rolling basis.

Questions about how to send a PDF for signature? We have answers.

More request signature resources

a text bubble, pencil icon, and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms, and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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