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Join thousands of users who have successfully rearranged PDF pages using Acrobat.
*Over an 18-24 month period.

How to rearrange PDF pages how you want them

Follow these easy steps to learn how to reorder PDF pages online:

A PDF file with pages being rearranged into a new order
  1. Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone.
  2. Select the document for which you want to arrange PDF pages.
  3. After Acrobat uploads the file, sign in.
  4. Select the page thumbnail you want to move.
  5. Drag and drop it into a new location.
  6. Click Save. You can download the file or get a link to share it.

Try our free PDF organizer tool to reorder PDF pages

Three files with an arrow showing how you can reorder pages in a PDF

Rearrange PDF pages

It’s easy to rearrange pages in PDF to move them around and reorder them how you’d like. Simply upload a PDF file and sign in to organize it just how you want.

A stack of files with arrows showing that you can reorder up to 1,500 PDF pages

Reorder PDFs up to 1,500 pages

You can rearrange pages in a PDF with a maximum of 1,500 pages and a file size of less than 100MB. To reduce a file’s size, you can try the Acrobat Compress PDF tool.

Multiple PDF files with a scale bar to show that your styling stays the same when you rearrange pages

Keep the same styling

When you reorder PDF pages, the styling and formatting remain the same. Pages simply move to a different place in your PDF document.

A trash can, plus sign, and arrow showing that you can delete, add, and rotate PDF pages for the perfect file

Organize PDF pages easily

After signing in, you can also delete PDF pages, add PDF pages, or even rotate PDF pages to portrait or landscape mode. All of the organize PDF tools are in one place for ease of use.

A clock representing how you can save time by reusing your PDF content

Save time by reusing PDF content

Acrobat tools let you rework an existing PDF to meet new project needs. Increase your efficiency by using Acrobat to reorder PDF page content, add comments to a PDF, and share your file for review.

An organized PDF file

A PDF organizer you can trust

Adobe invented the PDF format. When you use Acrobat online tools to reorder PDF files, you can quickly organize the perfect PDF file using any web browser.

Questions about the PDF organize tool? We have answers.

More resources to organize PDF

a text bubble, pencil icon, and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

Use Acrobat tools for free

  • Sign in to try 25+ tools, like convert or compress
  • Add comments, fill in forms, and sign PDFs for free
  • Store your files online to access from any device

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