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Add page numbers to a PDF

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How to add page numbers to a PDF online

Follow these easy steps to insert page numbers in PDF:

A PDF file with a number symbol in the lower right-hand quarter, and an arrow pointing to a PDF with page numbers showing how to add page numbers to a PDF
  1. Click the Select a file button above, or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone.
  2. Select the PDF document to which you want to add page numbers.
  3. After Acrobat uploads the PDF file, sign in.
  4. Select where you want the numbers to appear on your PDF pages and the desired page range.
  5. Select Save to save your numbered file.
  6. Download the new document or get a link to share it.

Try our free PDF page numbering in PDF tool

File pages with a page number being added

Insert page numbers to a PDF

Navigate through files more easily by adding page numbers to a PDF with Adobe Acrobat online services. Select a file and sign in to get started.

A PDF page with a number symbol and arrows showing that page numbers can be applied to any corner of the page

Add to the left side or right side

Acrobat lets you add page numbers to PDFs to the top or bottom of each page, placing them on the left side, center, or right side. You can select which page you want to start the numbering too.

Multiple pages of a PDF file with page numbers

Number a PDF up to 100MB

With the Acrobat online tool, you can add page numbers in one PDF — just keep the file size to 100MB or less. You can number all of the pages or just a page range.

A PDF page with a trash can symbol and an arrow showing the ways you can organize your PDF

Organize your PDF document

Once you've numbered your PDF file, you can try other Acrobat online tools to organize your PDF file. Reorder, rotate, delete, or add PDF pages.

The Acrobat PDF icon on a browser with an arrow showing that you can number PDF pages online with no extra software

No extra software to install

You can use Acrobat online PDF tools in any browser, like Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome, so there’s no additional software you need to install.

A perfectly organized PDF file

The best PDF online tools

Acrobat online tools — from the inventor of the PDF file format— are of the highest quality. Use the PDF page numbers tool to navigate through files fast and easily share a specific page.

Questions about page numbering in PDF? We have answers.

More page number to PDF resources

a text bubble, pencil icon and a stacked PDF icon representing free online Acrobat tools

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