7 steps on how to write a white paper for business.

A person writes a business white paper on their laptop.
Share your valuable knowledge with the world. Learn how to write an engaging white paper in seven short steps.

Why learn how to write a white paper? White papers are an excellent way for businesses to demonstrate their expertise and knowledge. These reports share information on niche topics and offer solutions to potential customers’ problems.

Writing an engaging white paper is an art form, but it gets easier when you know the basics.

How to write a white paper

Writing an engaging white paper is an art form, but it gets easier when you know the basics. Read on to learn how to write a white paper in seven steps.

  1. Pick a topic.
    When it comes to writing a business white paper, good planning is a must. Choose a topic for which you can give detailed expert insights.
  2. Determine your audience.
    Think about your target audience to determine relevant information.
  3. Do research.
    Investigate your topic thoroughly and find credible sources and references.
  4. Write the body copy.
    Draft the main part of your paper using concise and informative language.
  5. Create an introduction.
    Tell the reader what they can expect without giving too much away — but craft your introduction after writing the body copy so you know exactly how to lure in the reader.
  6. Include a headline.
    Give your white paper an attention-grabbing, brief headline. It’s also good practice to include a subhead that explains your topic in slightly more detail.
  7. Conclude your white paper.
    Finish your piece with a brief conclusion summarizing the main points. Also, include a call to action inviting the reader to contact you.

How to write a business white paper that’s engaging.

When crafting a business white paper that’s engaging, it’s crucial to understand how to write an executive summary effectively, capturing the essence of your document concisely and compellingly. To create a white paper that captures readers’ attention and provides valuable insights without overwhelming them, follow these best practices:

When should you write a white paper?

Deciding when to write a business white paper requires careful consideration of your objectives and the specific needs of your industry or audience. Here are some key questions and tips to help you determine when a white paper can be an effective tool:

By considering these factors, you can determine when writing a white paper will be most beneficial for your business, allowing you to effectively demonstrate expertise, educate your audience, and achieve your goals.

Share business white papers as PDF files.

After writing your white paper, you’ll want to get it to your audience in the quickest way possible. Sharing your paper as a PDF document ensures readers will be able to open it securely and read it on any device, anywhere.

With Adobe Acrobat online services, you can convert your white paper to a PDF file. You can also compress the PDF file to a smaller file size and make it faster to share.

Transform your white papers into PDFs effortlessly and discover what more you can do with Acrobat online services today.

Discover everything you can do with Adobe Acrobat to create accessible documents today. You can edit PDFs, fill PDFs and forms, combine PDFs into a single file, and much more.