
Acrobat online tools
Merge photos into PDF online.

Learn how to combine images into PDF files.

A woman combines images into PDF files on her laptop.

Sometimes, combining multiple images into one file is easier for sending and viewing. Here’s how to merge two JPGs into one PDF to simplify file sharing.

Why combine images into PDF documents?

Images are a great way to relive memories and tell stories visually through art. You may want to share your images with friends, family, or co-workers, but sending multiple images over an email can be difficult since these file types are typically larger than most emails can handle.

This is where combining images into PDF documents can be useful. One PDF file with all the images you need to share would take up less space than multiple attachments. You can combine images into PDFs to quickly share all your important images through one email.

Merge two JPGs into one PDF - how to convert and combine

The first step of merging two JPG images into one PDF is to convert the images into separate PDFs. The easiest way to convert JPGs to PDF is with an online PDF converter like Adobe Acrobat online services. Just follow these easy steps:

  1. Navigate to the online JPG to PDF converter tool.
  2. Upload the JPG you want to convert.
  3. Let the software do its magic.
  4. Download the new PDF file.

Follow these steps for each JPG you want to merge into one PDF. You can convert as many JPG images as you want and merge them together in the next step.

How to combine photos with Acrobat.

In addition to combining all your images into one PDF file, you can merge multiple file types into one PDF. With Adobe Acrobat and Acrobat online services, you can easily consolidate two or more files into a single PDF. Just drag and drop the thumbnails to arrange pages in the right order from your computer or web browser.

In Acrobat, use the Combine Files tool to merge Word, PowerPoint, Excel, videos, audio files, web pages, or existing PDFs. You can preview and arrange the documents prior to creating the file. You can remove unwanted pages and move individual pages from a file to anywhere among the pages that you are combining.

Use the following steps to combine files in Acrobat:

  1. Launch Acrobat and choose Tools > Combine Files. The Combine Files interface will display a toolbar at the top.
  2. Drag files into the Combine Files interface. Alternatively, you can select an option from the Add Files menu. You can add a folder of files, a web page, any currently open files, pages from a scanner, items in a clipboard, or a file you combined previously.
  3. From here, you can do any of the following:
  • Rearrange pages. In the Thumbnail view, drag and drop the file or page into
    position. As you drag, a blue bar will move between pages or documents to
    indicate the current position.
  • Expand or Collapse Document. In the Thumbnail view, hover over the page or file and click the Expand thumbnail. In the expanded view, you can easily move the individual pages among the other pages and documents.
    To collapse the pages, hover over the first page and click the Collapse Document icon.
  • Preview pages. In the Thumbnail view, hover over the page, and click the Zoom magnifying glass icon.
  • Delete pages. In the Thumbnail view, hover over the page and click the Delete trash icon.
  • Sort files. In the List view, click the column name that you want to sort by. Click again to sort in reverse order. The order of files in the list reflects the order of the files in the combined PDF. Sorting rearranges the pages of the combined PDF.
  • Move files up or down the file list. In the List view, select the file or files you want to move. Then click the Move Up or Move Down button.
  1. Click Options, and choose one of the file size options for the converted file:
  • Smaller File Size. Reduces large images to screen resolution and compresses images into low-quality JPEGs. This option is suitable for on-screen displays, the internet, and email.
  • Default File Size. Create PDFs suitable for reliable viewing and printing of business documents. The PDFs in the list will maintain their original file size and quality.
  • Larger File Size. Create PDFs suitable for printing on desktop printers. This applies the High-Quality Print conversion preset, and the PDFs in the list will maintain their original file size and quality.
  1. In the Options dialog box, specify the conversion settings as needed, then click OK.
  2. When you have finished arranging the pages, click Combine. A status dialog box will show the progress of the file conversion. Some source applications will start to close automatically.

You can also combine files using Acrobat online services:

  1. Click the Select a File button, or drag and drop files into the drop zone.
  2. Choose the files you want to merge using the Acrobat PDF combiner tool.
  3. Reorder your files if needed.
  4. Click Merge files.
  5. Download the merged PDF. Sign in to organize individual pages or share the file.

If you’re someone who takes a lot of screenshots, wants to send multiple photos but the file size is too large to email, or just wants to learn how to combine multiple JPGs into a PDF document for easy sharing, we have you covered.

Merge the PDF files to combine them.

Once you convert each JPG to a PDF, you can merge the multiple PDFs into one file using Acrobat online services. Simply visit the Acrobat online website and upload the files you want to merge. Reorder the files however you like and then click Merge files.

After that, just download the merged PDF. This will combine all the JPGs-turned-PDFs into a single PDF you can easily share or view. The images will appear in the file in the order they were uploaded to the PDF editor.

Now that all your JPGs have been merged into one PDF, you’re free to send and view the file quickly and easily.

Additional resources for combining images into PDFs.

If you’re looking to merge your images into PDFs to accommodate different size limitations or operating systems, make sure to check out these helpful guides:

  1. Convert JPG to PDF in Windows 10.
  2. Adjust and resize large PDFs to share easily.
  3. Compress a PDF to 200KB.
  4. Compress a PDF to 300KB.
  5. Compress a PDF to 1MB.

Do more with your images online.