Acrobat online tools
Extract text from images on any doc.
Acrobat online tools
Extract text from images on any doc.
Learn how to easily extract text from your image files. Discover the benefits it can bring to both students and professionals.
Are you wondering how to extract text from an image but unsure where to start? Say you’re working on an important paper and need a quotation from a book, but you only have an image file scan of the page — what should you do? You could manually type all that text, but that would take a lot of time and effort while your paper’s deadline is ticking away.
Fortunately, there’s a faster and easier solution. With the right tools, you can simply extract text from an image.
You can make extracting text from an image easier by first converting the image to a PDF. You can easily convert images to PDFs with Adobe Acrobat online services:
Depending on your image file, the converter may automatically recognize and render text in the PDF. If not, PDF is a well-supported and popular document format with many online and local tools for extracting text.
With Google Drive, picture-to-text is just a matter of converting an image or PDF to a Google Doc. If you want to use Google Drive, simply follow the steps below:
Formatting might not turn out neatly, and if you’re creating a new document, you might want to proofread and edit your new document after converting it. Either way, this method can streamline your work.
Converting an image to text in Microsoft Word takes a few more steps and requires converting to PDF, but it can all be done in Word. To learn to copy text to image in Word, follow these steps:
When you convert your image to a PDF, it may automatically open in a PDF reader. It’s possible that at that point, your text might already be extracted.
OCR, or optical character recognition, is quickly advancing and making photo-to-text conversion easier, even on the go or with your phone camera. It’s simple to use OCR if you have an image or document you can take a picture of. Follow these steps to use OCR to copy text from an image:
In Acrobat, it is easy to scan a document that activates the OCR tech. You can also use a third-party app like Adobe Scan, or use the Notes app on an iPhone.
Copying text from an image is a simple process, and it’s becoming easier for programs to recognize text in images, including handwriting. While it’s simple in many formats, one of the easiest ways to copy text from an image is to first convert your image into a PDF.
Text extraction tools use machine algorithms to recognize and structure text from image files. The tools identify the shapes of letters on the image and reconstruct it as text you can select, copy-paste, and even edit.
If you’re a student, this technology is really helpful. It allows you to pull text directly from image files, saving you the valuable time you would have lost typing out long passages manually.
It also makes sourcing information easier. You can simply scan pages from textbooks or other documents as images and still be able to access the text with text editing software.
Image text extraction is useful in a variety of scenarios. Digital text is easier to copy, search, and edit. So, whether you’re searching for a specific concept on a page of dense text or need to use a lengthy quote from an old newspaper, it will be more efficient to use text extraction from image. You can extract texts from screenshots or even for data entry. You may even want to take text from a handwritten notebook, which is becoming increasingly accurate as OCR develops.
When you’re extracting text from an image, try following these tips to make the process easier for yourself:
It’s especially useful for students to learn to copy text from images, and it could save you hours of transcribing or searching if you apply it. Now that you’ve learned how to extract text from an image, here are additional resources on images:
Explore everything you can do with Acrobat online services today.