
How to add a text box to a PDF.

A woman in a living room uses Adobe Acrobat software to add a text box to a PDF file.`

Have more to say? Learn how to add a text box in a PDF so that you can add more descriptions, explanations, or dialogue to your document.

Whether you forgot to include a piece of information or just want to include a little clarification, adding a text box to a PDF is an easy way to update your document without starting from scratch.

Luckily, adding a text box to a PDF is easy with online and downloadable software. You can even use formatting and design tools to make sure your new text boxes coordinate smoothly with the existing document. Learn how you can save time and reduce hassle while still maintaining professional-level documents using these versatile PDF editor tools.

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a PDF presentation with an open field for editing

Steps to adding a text box with a PDF editor.

The easiest way to add a text box to a PDF is to use an online PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat online services. That way, you don’t have to download any additional software to take up space on your computer or device.

To edit a PDF online, follow these simple steps:

  1. Visit the PDF editor website.
  2. Upload the document you want to edit with text.
  3. Use the editor’s toolbar to add text boxes and comments.
  4. Download the edited file.

Once you add the text boxes and download the new document, it will save all changes in the PDF. Then, you’re free to share it without worrying about formatting issues — no matter which device you use to view it.

Insert a text box in a PDF using Adobe Acrobat software.

Another way to add a text box to a PDF is to use downloadable PDF editing software like Acrobat. Once you’ve downloaded your editor of choice to your device, follow these steps to add text boxes:

  1. Open the document in the PDF editor.
  2. Select Tools > Edit PDF > Add Text.
  3. Drag the new text box to the preferred location.
  4. Add text to the box and choose the formatting options.

How to add a checkbox to a PDF.

In addition to text boxes, Acrobat also lets you add other features like checkboxes to your PDF. Checkboxes are a great way to make your document interactive for users. Follow these steps to find out how you can start using them:

  1. Open the PDF in Acrobat.
  2. Select the Tools menu.
  3. Click Prepare Form.
  4. Click Start to make changes on the open PDF.
  5. Click the checkbox icon in the top toolbar. A new checkbox will appear. Drag the checkbox to the desired spot on the PDF.
  6. Right-click inside the check box and select Properties to change the checkbox settings.
  7. Preview the document to verify your settings are correct, then save the file.

How to add a text box to a PDF on Mac Preview.

Preview is the built-in PDF viewer program for Mac. Preview lets you edit and add text boxes to your document easily using the following steps:

  1. Open the PDF in Preview.
  2. Click the toolbox icon to open the Markup Toolbar.
  3. Click the T icon in the toolbar to create a new text box.
  4. Click the text box to select it. You can type in text, drag the corners to adjust the size, or move the text box to a new spot on the PDF.
  5. Select the text box to adjust its formatting. You can add a border, adjust the font or background color, change the font, and more.

Move the text box around or change the dimensions or style at any time to get the perfect look for your document.

Discover what more you can do with Acrobat online services to edit and add text boxes to PDFs or convert and share a PDF in just a few simple steps.