How to add signature to a form.

A man uses a tablet to insert a digital signature in PDF with Adobe Acrobat.

If you want to make your form a legal contract, you need signatures. Learn how to add a signature block to a form and sign it using PDF editing software.

You’ve probably signed a PDF document before. It’s a seamless and quick process and a huge relief compared to faxing or mailing forms. But now it’s time for you to create a signable form yourself. Fortunately, turning a document into a form is also a quick process. Read on to learn how to generate an electronic signature in a PDF form.

Can I add a signature to any doc to sign a form?

Collecting signatures can be important in many different settings. It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with permission slips or business proposals; you can add a signature fill block to your document. Any sort of document that can be converted to PDF can allow for electronic signature. Once you know how to add a signature to a PDF form, anything can become a form.

How to insert a digital signature in a PDF form.

Turning your document into a signable form is as simple as converting it to PDF, adding a signature block, and adding an electronic signature. Read on to learn step by step how to put a signature in an online form.

1. Convert signature form to PDF.

The first step to adding a signature is to save your form as a PDF. PDFs maintain formatting and limit editing, so once signed, the form can’t be altered. Use these simple steps to convert your document to a PDF:

  1. Open the Adobe Acrobat online services PDF converter in any browser.
  2. Drag and drop your file into the box, or click Select a file to find your document.
  3. Wait for your document to convert, then click Download to save your newly converted file.

Once your document is saved as a PDF, you can move on to adding signature fill blocks.

2. Add signature fill block to a PDF form.

Learning how to add a signature block to a PDF is simple. Once you have your file in a PDF format, open it in a PDF editor like Adobe Acrobat. Then, follow these steps to add a signature block to the form:

  1. Click the Tools tab at the top of the window.
  2. Choose Prepare Form.
  3. Select Insert a Signature Field.

This will let you draw a fillable signature box anywhere on the form. Repeat the process for as many signature blocks as you need. Press Save and you’re ready to sign.

3. Sign the form electronically.

Once the fillable signature blocks are on the form, you can add your electronic signature with just a few mouse clicks:

  1. Select Fill & Sign on the right side of the screen.
  2. Click the Sign icon that looks like a fountain pen.
  3. Choose whether you want to add your full signature or just your initials.

If you already created your signature it'll appear in the fillable block on the form.

If you haven’t set up your signature, you’ll be able to choose how you want to write your name (either typed, drawn, or uploaded) to sign a form and save it for future use. Then, you’ll be able to sign with the click of a button on any other form.

Discover what more you can do to easily authorize forms with electronic signatures.

Acrobat online tools
Add your electronic signature to any PDF online for free.