Arrange pages
Drag and drop page thumbnails to order them just the way you want them. You can even rearrange pages after combining multiple PDFs.
Adobe Acrobat
Learn how to organize and rearrange the pages of your PDF quickly, easily, and as often as you need.
Drag and drop page thumbnails to order them just the way you want them. You can even rearrange pages after combining multiple PDFs.
Delete, reorder, and organize pages of any PDF document, any file size, from anywhere, on any browser or using the Acrobat Reader mobile app.
Drag and drop another file into your original document to merge PDF. Just drop the new file into the thumbnails view, then reorder single pages or a range of pages to create the perfect new PDF file for your needs.
Get more out of Adobe Acrobat with these tips:
Check out our easy online tool to quickly rearrange pages — right now, in your browser.
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