ATS: What is an applicant tracking system, and what are its benefits?

A woman uses an applicant tracking system at an office.

Learn more about this HR software and how you can use an applicant tracking system in your company’s hiring process.

Top employers across the world often receive hundreds of applications for a single job posting, which puts a huge stress on the HR department — especially when multiple roles need to be filled quickly. To help speed up the process and zone in on top talent, hiring teams can use an applicant tracking system. Let’s explore what this is and how you can use it within your own company.

What is an applicant tracking system (ATS)?

An applicant tracking system, or ATS, is a type of software that HR departments use as part of their overall management strategy. This software helps gather and organize information about applicants all in one place and then sorts them based on specific skill sets or experience. An ATS can also track and manage potential hires as they move through the hiring process, including scheduling interviews or collecting necessary electronic signatures to keep the ball rolling.

What is an applicant tracking system used for, and what are its features?

An applicant tracking system is an important tool in the recruitment landscape, and it’s specifically designed to optimize the hiring process from the initial job posting to the final hiring decision. Here’s a deeper look into the functionality of an applicant tracking system:

By leveraging an ATS, organizations can make their recruitment process more efficient and improve the quality of those they hire. Here’s a list of the different features an ATS provides:

How do application tracking systems work?

Now that you understand how an application tracking system can be beneficial to the recruitment process, you may be wondering how it works. Read this simple step-by-step list to get a high-level overview of how an ATS really works:

How an applicant tracking system saves time.

In addition to collecting and sorting applicants, an ATS can also filter out applicants that don’t meet your company’s requirements. That way, the HR department doesn’t have to waste time manually weeding through applicants who don’t quite reach the mark. It can also make HR’s process of onboarding remote employees more streamlined when finding talent. A company can accomplish this task by setting different parameters or by searching for specific keywords within applications. Once the ATS narrows down the best candidates, the hiring team can then take a closer look.

Things to consider when selecting an applicant tracking system.

Choosing the right applicant tracking system is important for improving your recruitment process. Before committing to one, understand these key considerations to make your choice easier:

Does my business need an applicant tracking system?

An ATS can be vital if your company manages thousands of applications each year, but even small companies can benefit from a decreased time-to-fill process. No matter the size, these systems can help reduce some of the stress of the talent search while helping to narrow down the right person for the job.

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