How to create a shipping invoice template for shipping services.

A woman in an office creates a shipping invoice template.

To get paid for your hard work requires the right business tools. Follow these steps to create a shipping invoice, customs invoice, and more.

Today’s software tools allow companies, large or small, to run lean and from anywhere. To keep your shipping services company profitable will take hard work and organization. Creating an effective shipping invoice template that integrates with your other business tools is a crucial part of running your company.

Different shipping invoice types.

There are various types of invoices that businesses and individuals use to document and manage their shipping transactions. Each type of shipping invoice serves a specific purpose, and understanding them can help streamline your shipping operations. When creating shipping invoice templates for customers, knowing which type is required -- like a proforma invoice vs a commercial invoice can guide what information is necessary to include. Here are some common types of shipping invoices:

Customize your shipping invoice template.

Customizing your business documents is key to showcasing your shipping company’s uniqueness and professionalism. If your operations extend internationally, having a specialized invoice for customs is essential. Here are some tips to help you create and customize a shipping invoice template:

Critical information to include on the shipping invoice.

Not every shipping invoice needs the same information, so review this list to get some ideas about what you may need to include:

Steps to create a shipping invoice.

A well-crafted shipping invoice not only serves as a record of the transaction, but also plays a significant role in maintaining transparency and trust between you and your customers. To help with the invoicing process, here are some steps you can follow to create a shipping invoice:

  1. Start by obtaining a suitable shipping invoice template. You can either download a pre-designed template or create one tailored to your specific business needs.
  2. Fill in the seller’s and customer’s details accurately, providing essential contact information for both parties.
  3. Assign a unique and sequential invoice number to each document. This helps in organization and tracking.
  4. If applicable, incorporate a customer reference or purchase order number for easy identification.
  5. Ensure that the invoice includes all relevant terms and conditions, such as payment terms, delivery information, and any special agreements.

Shipping invoice considerations for overseas shipping.

Shipping invoices for overseas shipping, especially those involving customs clearance, require specific information to facilitate international trade and comply with customs regulations. Here are the key considerations for what needs to be included in shipping invoices for overseas shipments:

The right tools to create a shipping invoice template.

You work hard to build your shipping business. Easy-to-use digital tools and e-signature software will let you create a professional invoice that enhances your image, strengthens relationships, and keeps your company growing. Explore what more you can do with Adobe Acrobat for business today to keep the customers you worked so hard to find.