Change requests
Adobe Acrobat Sign
No matter your industry or where you do business, Acrobat Sign lets you deliver secure and compliant digital workflows that help every department get more done more quickly.
Build seamless workflows in any department and add e-signatures for quick, hassle-free approvals. It’s easy for anyone in your organization to send documents for e-signature to one or more people.
Acrobat Sign integrates with other Adobe solutions, such as Acrobat and Creative Cloud, to create seamless experiences that are accessible anytime, anywhere, on any device.
Acrobat Sign is Microsoft’s preferred e-signature solution, which means you get the most comprehensive integrations with Microsoft’s suite of applications for even more seamless workflows with the applications you already work with.
Adobe is the trusted leader in global, secure e-signing experiences. Ensure that you meet compliance requirements while reducing risk for your organization with Acrobat Sign Solutions. Our e-signatures are legally binding and hosted in highly resilient data centers around the world.
San Diego State University’s HR department uses Acrobat Sign to save significant time on 12,000+ onboarding transactions every year.
Varian moved to Acrobat Sign from DocuSign to more efficiently handle over 300,000 e-signature transactions per year.
Persol uses Acrobat Sign to speed up processes, cutting the time needed to create and send a contract from seven minutes to just 10 seconds.
Implement Acrobat Sign Solutions across your business to make daily tasks faster, less prone to error, and more cost effective. Here are a few tasks made simple with digital processes and e-signatures:
Change requests
Asset management
Order fulfillment
Budget approvals
Maintenance authorization
The preferred e-signature solution of Microsoft, Acrobat Sign Solutions gives you deep integrations with Microsoft’s suite of applications including Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 — simplifying workflows across your entire organization. You can build a variety of integrations with Acrobat Sign Solutions using just the APIs, at no additional cost.
Whether you need some basic information about our solutions or you’d like a customized quote for your unique business needs, we’re here to help.