Adobe Accessibility Conformance Report

VPAT® Version 2.4 – September, 2024

Product Information

Name of Product/Version: Behance ( web) 
Product Description: Behance is an online creative platform. For creatives, it offers features enabling them to showcase their work, get inspired, find their next jobs, sell their assets, and manage an online portfolio. For hirers, it is a place to find talent for their freelance and full-time opportunities.
Date: 09/30/2024
Contact information:
Notes: The information contained in this report applies to the product itself. Information about product help and support documentation is located at:

Evaluation Methods Used: Testing Behance ( web) involved extensive use of leading assistive technology such as screen readers, screen magnifiers, and speech recognition software, as well exclusive use of the keyboard. Native platform accessibility features were also used to assist with testing. These were supplemented with techniques such as manual inspection of Accessibility API output.


Applicable Standards/Guidelines

This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibility standards/guidelines:


Included in Report

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, at

Level A - Yes
Level AA - Yes
Level AAA - No

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1, at

Level A - Yes
Level AA - Yes
Level AAA - No

Section 508 as published in 2017, at


EN 301 549 Accessibility requirements suitable for public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe, - V2.1.2 (2018-08) at



The terms used in the Conformance Level information are defined as follows:

  • Supports: The functionality of the product has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
  • Partially Supports: Some functionality of the product does not meet the criterion.
  • Does Not Support: The majority of product functionality does not meet the criterion.
  • Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the product.
  • Not Evaluated: The product has not been evaluated against the criterion. This can be used only in WCAG 2.1 Level AAA.

WCAG 2.1 Report

Tables 1 and 2 also document conformance with:

  • EN 301 549: Chapter 9 - Web, Chapter 10 - Non-Web documents, Section 11.2.1- Non-Web Software (excluding closed functionality), and Section 11.2.2 - Non-Web Software (closed functionality).
  • Revised Section 508: Chapter 5 – 501.1 Scope, 504.2 Content Creation or Editing, and Chapter 6 – 602.3 Electronic Support Documentation.

Note: When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.1 Success Criteria, they are scoped for full pages, complete processes, and accessibility-supported ways of using technology as documented in the WCAG 2.1 Conformance Requirements.


Section 1: Success Criteria, Level A


Guideline 1.1 Text Alternatives:

Provide text alternatives for any non-text content so that it can be changed into other forms people need, such as large print, braille, speech, symbols or simpler language.


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Functionality Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: The product provides sufficient text alternatives for most instances of website. 

Exceptions include:

  • A decorative image is not hidden from screen readers, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader will have to navigate through unnecessary and duplicative text. This occurs on the following page: Help Center.
  • An informative image does not have a text alternative, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader will not be able to access the information available in the image. This occurs on the following pages: Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Download an Asset; Help Center; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Settings; Search for a Project; Search for an Asset; Work tab.
  • An image has a text alternative that is different than what the image represents, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader will be given different information than sighted users. This occurs on the following pages: Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Manage Freelance Project & Payments.
  • A complex image does not have a text alternative, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader will not be able to understand the information available in the image. This occurs on the following page: Your Stats tab.
  • Some active images have a text alternative that does not convey the same purpose as the image. People who are blind and/or use a screen reader will be given different information than sighted users. This occurs on the following pages: Search for a Freelancer; View Freelance Project Details; Search for a Service; View Service & Inquire.


Guideline 1.2 Time-based Media:

Provide alternatives for time-based media.


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • and (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web:  Does Not Support

Web: The product does not provide audio description or transcripts for most video-only media content in the website. 

Example includes:

  • Some video files have no text transcript or audio description track, so the visual content presented by those videos is not available to people who are blind or have low vision. This occurs on the following pages:  Vimeo Video Player; JS Player.

1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software) – Does not apply
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not contain prerecorded synchronized media content that would require captions.

1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded) (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not contain prerecorded video content that would require audio description or a media alternative.

1.2.4 Captions (Live) (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not contain live synchronized media.

1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not contain prerecorded video content that would require audio description.

Guideline 1.3 Adaptable:

Create content that can be presented in different ways (for example simpler layout) without losing information or structure.


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Does Not Support

Web: Some structure and relationship information are provided through semantics | object information or in text. However, most structure and relationship information are not provided programmatically or in text.

Examples include:

  • A set of checkboxes is not programmatically grouped, so the group label for the set of checkboxes will not be conveyed to people who are blind and/or use a screen reader and they will not understand the purpose of the individual checkboxes. This occurs on the following page: Create a Freelance Project.
  • A set of radio buttons is not programmatically grouped, so the group label for the set of radio buttons will not be conveyed to people who are blind and/or use a screen reader and they will not understand the purpose of the individual radio buttons. This occurs on the following page: Connect with PayPal or Stripe.
  • Text that visually functions as a heading is not marked up as a heading, so the structure of the content is not properly conveyed to assistive technologies and people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following pages: Create a Freelance Project; Inbox Page (Employer); Send & Download Files in Conversation; View Freelance Project Details; Work tab; Download an Asset; Freelance: Connect with Stripe/PayPal; Help Article/Accessibility Features; Help Center; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Manage Freelance Project & Payments; Primary Header; Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Service; Secondary Footer; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Subscriber Area; View Freelance Projects.
  • Some heading levels are out of order, so the structure of the content is not properly conveyed to assistive technologies and people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following pages: Help Article/Accessibility Features; Subscriber Area.
  • A block of text is marked up as a heading but is not a heading, so the structure of the content is misrepresented to assistive technologies and people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following page: Connect with PayPal or Stripe.
  • Some content that is visually presented as a list is not properly marked up as a list, so the structures of those lists are not correctly conveyed to assistive technologies and people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Freelancer; Send & Download Files in Conversation; Search for a Service.
  • Content that does not visually function as a list is marked up as a list, so the structure of the page is misrepresented to and people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology. This occurs on the following page: Inbox Page (Employer).
  • Content that is visually presented as a list is not marked up as a list, so the presence and structure of the list are not conveyed to assistive technologies and people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following pages: Search for a Project; Assets Tab; Create a Project.
  • An HTML list element contains content that is visually presented as a part of the list but the content's HTML coding does not include it programmatically in that list, so the structure of the list is not correctly conveyed to people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology. This occurs on the following page: Primary Footer.
  • A block of content has inappropriate semantic markup, so its meaning, structure, or relationships is misrepresented to people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following page: Inbox Page (Employer).
  • Certain ARIA roles do not contain particular children, so its meaning, structure, or relationships is misrepresented to people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following pages: View Freelance Project Details; Delete Asset; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Inbox Page (Employer) - Responsive Tablet and Mobile View only.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: The product presents most content in a meaningful sequence.

Exceptions include:

  • Some visually hidden content is announced by a screen reader, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader may be misled or confused when hearing content that is not intended to be part of the reading order on the page. This occurs on the following page: Create a Project.
  • The screen reader skips and does not announce informative static content (text or images), so the intended meaning of the content will be lost or changed for people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following page:  View Freelance Project Details.

1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports

Web: Instructions do not rely solely on sensory characteristics.

1.3.4 Orientation (WCAG 2.1)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Supports

Web: Content does not restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation.

1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose (WCAG 2.1)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most input fields in the product do not collect information about the user. However, some input fields collect information about the user and do not programmatically convey their purpose.

Example includes:

  • The programmatic purpose provided for an input element (like a text input field) is not accurate, so information automatically suggested by the browser or assistive technology to fill in the input will be incorrect. This occurs on the following page: Download an Asset.

Guideline 1.4 Distinguishable:

Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background.


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most functions of the product do not convey information through color alone.

Exceptions include:

  • Color is the only visual method used to identify a link, and a link text's contrast ratio with the color of the surrounding text is less than 3:1, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may not be able to identify the link. This occurs on the following pages: Download an Asset; Help Article/Accessibility Features.
  • Color is used as the only method to convey the state (such as checked, pressed, or selected) of a control, so that information will not be available to people who are colorblind and people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following pages: Help Center; Assets Tab.
  • Color is used as the only method to convey information, so that information will not be available to people who are colorblind and people who are blind and/or use a screen reader. This occurs on the following page: Search for a Project.

1.4.2 Audio Control (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not contain audio that plays automatically.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Does Not Support

Web: Most text does not meet minimum contrast requirements.

Examples include:

  • The color contrast ratio between text and its background is less than 4.5:1, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may have difficulty reading the text. This occurs on the following pages: Your Stats tab; Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Project; Send & Download Files in Conversation; Work tab; Assets Tab; Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Help Center; Manage Freelance Project & Payments; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Request Payment - connect with Stripe/PayPal; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Settings; Subscriber Area; View Asset Purchases; You Tube Video Player.
  • The color contrast ratio on hover or focus between a control's text label and its background is less than 4.5:1, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may have difficulty reading the text label of the control. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Send & Download Files in Conversation; View Freelance Project Details; Work tab; Your Stats tab; Primary Footer; Primary Header; Services tab; Settings; Subscriber Area; View Freelance Projects; Search for a Project.
  • The color contrast ratio between placeholder text in an input and the input's background is less than 4.5:1, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may have difficulty reading the placeholder text. This occurs on the following pages: Create a Project, Download an Asset; Primary Header.
  • The color contrast ratio between text placed over an image and that image is less than 4.5:1, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may have difficulty reading the text. This occurs on the following page: You Tube Video Player.

1.4.4 Resize Text (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: The product allows browser zoom to resize text up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality. 

Exceptions include:

  • Content is lost, clipped, or obscured when the page is zoomed to 200%, so people who have low vision and need to enlarge text to read it may not have access to that content. This occurs on the following pages:  Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Request a Payment; Request Payment - connect with Stripe/PayPal; Search for a Freelancer; View Freelance Project Details; Search for a Service.
  • Functionality is lost when the page is zoomed to 200%, so people who have low vision and need to enlarge text to read it may not have access to this functionality. This occurs on the following pages: Help Center; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Inbox Page (Employer); Primary Footer; Primary Header; View Service & Inquire; Work tab; Your Stats tab.
  • Text size cannot be resized by 200% using browser zoom or increasing default font size, so people who have low vision and need to enlarge text to read it may not have access to that content. This occurs on the following pages: Help Article/Accessibility Features; Help Center.

1.4.5 Images of Text (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports

Web: The product uses text instead of images of text, except for branding elements that are considered essential.

1.4.10 Reflow (Level AA 2.1 only)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Does Not Support

Web: At the required width of 320 CSS pixels, most functions of the product do not meet this criterion. [Loss of information or functionality occurs] and [content which does not require two-dimensional layout for meaning relies on scrolling in two dimensions.

Exceptions include:

  • When the page is adjusted to an equivalent width of 320 pixels and content reflows to fit within the viewport, some content or functionality becomes unavailable, so people with low vision who increase the size of text and other content using the browser zoom will not be able to access all of the page's content and/or functionality. This occurs on the following pages: Settings; Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Freelancer; Create a Project; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Request a Payment; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Primary Footer; View Freelance Project Details; Primary Header; Search for an Asset; View Service & Inquire; Search for a Service; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Work tab; Help Center; Your Stats tab; Request Payment - connect with Stripe/PayPal.
  • When the page is adjusted to an equivalent width of 320 pixels and content reflows to fit within the viewport, some content overlaps and cannot be seen or understood, so the overlapping content is not available to people with low vision who increase the size of text and other content using the browser zoom. This occurs on the following pages: Search for a Project; View Asset Purchases.

1.4.11 Non-text Contrast (Level AA 2.1 only)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Does Not Support

Web: Most meaningful non-text content elements do not have sufficient contrast.

Exceptions include:

  • The visual boundary of an interactive element (like a radio button or input field) does not have a 3:1 color contrast ratio with the background, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may have difficulty perceiving the boundaries of the interactive element. This occurs on the following pages: Account Settings Page; Create a Freelance Project; Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Project; Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; JS Player; Primary Header; Search for a Service; Search for an Asset; Settings; Vimeo Video Player; You Tube Video Player.
  • An icon (or part of the icon required to understand its content) does not have a 3:1 color contrast ratio with the background or adjacent colors, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may not be able understand the information presented by the icon. This occurs on the following pages: Account Settings Page; Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Project; Primary Header; Search for a Service; Subscriber Area.
  • The focus indicator of an interactive element (like a button or input field) does not have a 3:1 color contrast ratio with the background, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may have difficulty perceiving when the interactive element is receiving focus. This occurs on the following pages: Buy an Asset; Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Delete Asset; Download an Asset; Freelance: Connect with Stripe/PayPal; Manage Freelance Project & Payments; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Request a Payment; Request Payment - connect with Stripe/PayPal; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Subscriber Area; View Asset Purchases; Work tab; You Tube Video Player; Your Stats tab.
  • The indicator for the state of an interactive element (like a checkbox or radio button) does not have a 3:1 color contrast ratio with the background, so people who are colorblind or have low vision may have difficulty perceiving the state of the interactive element. This occurs on the following pages: Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Service.

1.4.12 Text Spacing (Level AA 2.1 only)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most functions of the product support the required text style properties without loss of content or functionality

Exception includes:

  • When text spacing is adjusted to help people with vision, reading and cognitive disabilities, some content cannot be seen because it is cut off. This occurs on the following page: Search for an Asset.


1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus (Level AA 2.1 only)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Partially Supports

Web: In most cases when additional content is triggered by mouse pointer hover or keyboard focus, that additional content can be dismissed and hovered over, and the content persists until the user dismisses it.

Exceptions include:

  • Content that appears on mouse hover or keyboard focus (such as tooltips, drop-down menus, or popups) is not dismissible, so it obscures all or part of the original content on the page. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Freelancer; Create a Project; Vimeo Video Player; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Request a Payment; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Primary Footer; View Freelance Project Details; Primary Header; You Tube Video Player; Work tab; Subscriber Area.
  • Content that appears on mouse hover (such as tooltips, drop-down menus, or popups) disappears when the mouse pointer is moved over that content, meaning people with disabilities, especially people with low vision who need to magnify text, may not be able to read the additional content. This occurs on the following pages: Vimeo Video Player; Search for a Service; Your Stats tab.

Guideline 2.1 Keyboard Accessible:

Make all functionality available from a keyboard.


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most product functionality can be operated through a keyboard interface.

Exceptions include:

  • A function cannot be performed using only the keyboard, so people who use the keyboard alone to navigate and operate content cannot use this function. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Project; Search for an Asset; Work tab; Your Stats tab; Create a Project; Download; Free Asset; Help Center; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Search for a Service; Send & Download Files in Conversation; View Freelance Project Details; View Service & Inquire.
  • The containing element for a frame or iframe has a tabindex="-1" attribute that prevents any of the content within the frame from being accessed using keyboard navigation. This occurs on the following page: Download an Asset.

2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports

Web: The product does not include keyboard traps.

2.1.4 Character Key Shortcuts (WCAG 2.1 )
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not provide character key shortcuts.

Guideline 2.2 Enough Time:

Provide users enough time to read and use content.


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not include time limits.

2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Moving, blinking, scrolling, and auto-updating information can be paused, stopped or hidden by the user. 

Exception includes:

  • The user cannot pause, stop, or hide content that automatically moves, blinks, or scrolls, so people who cannot read text quickly, have attention deficit disorders or other cognitive disabilities, or use a screen reader may not be able to read or understand the content. This occurs on the following pages: Services tab; Work tab.

Guideline 2.3 Seizures:

Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures. 


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not contain flashing content.

Guideline 2.4 Navigable:

Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are. 


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document) – Does not apply
  • (Open Functionality Software) – Does not apply
  • (Closed Software) – Does not apply
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

Web: Partially Supports

Web: On most pages, a method is provided to skip navigation and other page elements that are repeated across web pages.

Exception includes:

  • The skip link to bypass repeated content is broken or does not function correctly, so people who use the keyboard to navigate content or use a screen reader must navigate through repeated content on every page. This occurs on the following page: Primary Header.

2.4.2 Page Titled (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software) - Does not apply
  • (Closed Software) – Does not apply
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: The titles of pages describe their purpose.

Exception includes:

  • The page does not have a programmatic title, so people who use a screen reader will not be able to identify the purpose of the page without reading the page content. This occurs on the following page: Account Settings Page.

2.4.3 Focus Order (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most components receive focus in a meaningful order.

Exceptions include:

  • Keyboard focus or touch screen swiping goes to an element that is hidden or empty, so people who use the keyboard to navigate content (including screen reader users) may become disoriented or confused. This occurs on the following page: Search for a Project.
  • The focus order is not logical and presents content in an order that misrepresents its meaning or operability, so people who use a keyboard, switch control, or other assistive technology to navigate content may become disoriented or confused. This occurs on the following pages: View Freelance Project Details; Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Service.
  • Keyboard focus is lost or misplaced as a result of user interaction or content update or refresh, so people who use the keyboard to navigate content (including screen reader users) will become disoriented. This occurs on the following page: Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Search for a Freelancer - Responsive Tablet and Mobile View only.
  • When a modal closes, keyboard focus is not returned to the control that opened the modal or to another logical location, so people who use the keyboard to navigate content (including screen reader users) may become disoriented on the page. This occurs on the following pages: Buy an Asset; Download Free Asset; Freelance: Connect with Stripe/PayPal; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Manage Freelance Project & Payments; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer; View Asset Purchases; View Service & Inquire.

2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: The purpose of most links can be determined from the link text alone or from the link text and its programmatic context.
Exception includes:

  • Multiple links have identical link text but different destinations, and the context provided by the content that immediately surrounds each link does not provide any clarification, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader will not know or may be confused about where each link goes. This occurs on the following pages: View Freelance Project Details; Primary Header; Work tab.

2.4.5 Multiple Ways (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document) – Does not apply
  • (Open Functionality Software) – Does not apply
  • (Closed Software) – Does not apply
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  •  501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  •  504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

Web: Supports

Web: Users can locate web pages in the product through Multiple ways.

2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most of the headings and labels are descriptive.

Exceptions include:

  • A programmatic label for a control or form input field does not convey the purpose of the control or input, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader may not understand what the control does or what data to enter. This occurs on the following pages: Your Stats tab; Create a Freelance Project; Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Project; Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Help Center; Search for a Service; Settings; View Service & Inquire; Search for an Asset - Responsive Tablet and Mobile View only.
  • Multiple buttons have identical programmatic labels but different functionality, and there is no programmatic context, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader will not know or may be confused or misled about what each button does. This occurs on the following pages: View Freelance Project Details; Work tab; Your Stats tab; Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Project.

2.4.7 Focus Visible (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most focusable elements have a visible keyboard focus indicator.

Exception includes:

  • An interactive element (such as a link, button, or form input) does not have a visual focus indicator, so sighted people who use a keyboard to navigate content will not know when that element is receiving focus. This occurs on the following pages: Primary Footer; Secondary Footer; Assets Tab; Inbox Page (Employer).

Guideline 2.5 Input Modalities:

Make it easier for users to operate functionality through various inputs beyond keyboard. 


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

2.5.1 Pointer Gestures (Level A 2.1 only)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Supports

Web:  All functionality that can be operated with a pointer can be operated with single-point actions.

2.5.2 Pointer Cancellation (Level A 2.1 only)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Supports

Web: Product functions that use a single pointer are completed when the user releases the pointer and allow the user to cancel the pointer action before completing the pointer click.

2.5.3 Label in Name (Level A 2.1 only)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Partially Supports

Web: In most product functions, accessible names of controls contain the text of their visible labels.

Exceptions include:

  • The accessible name of an interactive element (such as a link, button, or form input) does not contain the visible label, so people who use speech input to navigate and operate content will not be able to access the element. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Create a Freelance Project; Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Project; Send & Download Files in Conversation; Work tab; Your Stats tab; Assets Tab; Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Create a Project; Help Center; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Primary Header; Settings; Subscriber Area; View Service & Inquire.
  • An interactive element (such as a link, button, or form input) does not have an accessible name because its visible label is not programmatically associated with the element, so people who use speech input to navigate and operate content will not be able to access the element. This occurs on the following pages: Account Settings Page; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; You Tube Video Player.

2.5.4 Motion Actuation (Level A 2.1 only)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not have functionality operated by device motion or user motion.

Guideline 3.1 Readable:

Make text content readable and understandable. 


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

3.1.1 Language of Page (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports

Web: The language is programmatically determinable within the product.

3.1.2 Language of Parts (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software) – Does not apply
  • (Closed Software) – Does not apply
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Changes of language for passages or phrases can be programmatically determined most of the pages.

Exception includes:

  • A portion of content on a page that is in a different language from the rest of the content on the page is not programmatically assigned the language for that portion of content, so screen readers may mispronounce that part of the content. This occurs on the following page: Search for a Project.

Guideline 3.2 Predictable:

Make Web pages appear and operate in predictable ways. 


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

3.2.1 On Focus 
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports

Web: Components do not initiate a change of context when focused.

3.2.2 On Input (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports

Web: Changes of context do not occur automatically on user input.

3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document) – Does not apply
  • (Open Functionality Software) – Does not apply
  • (Closed Software) – Does not apply
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

Web: Supports

Web: When navigational mechanisms are repeated in the product, they occur in a consistent relative order.

3.2.4 Consistent Identification (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document) – Does not apply
  • (Open Functionality Software) – Does not apply
  • (Closed Software) – Does not apply
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs

Web: Supports

Web: Components with the same functionality are identified consistently.

Guideline 3.3 Input Assistance:

Help users avoid and correct mistakes. 


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

3.3.1 Error Identification (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most input errors are identified and described to the users in text.

Exception includes:

  • A form field with an error is not identified in the text error message or a text alternative for an image, and the error message with the field name is not programmatically associated with the form field (so it is announced when a screen reader user navigates to the field), so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader will not be able to identify in which form field the error occurred. This occurs on the following page: Settings.

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Labels are provided for most input fields.

Exceptions include:

  • The label of an element is not persistent (always visible on the page), so the element's purpose may be difficult to discover. This occurs on the following pages: Create a Freelance Project; Search for a Project; Download an Asset; Help Center.
  • The label for a form field is missing, so the field's purpose is not clear. This occurs on the following pages: Primary Footer; Secondary Footer.

3.3.3 Error Suggestion (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports

Web: Where input errors are automatically detected, suggestions for correction are provided to the user.

3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) (Level AA)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Supports

Web: The product does not process legal commitments or financial transactions.

Guideline 4.1 Compatible:

Maximize compatibility with current and future user agents, including assistive technologies. 


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

Web:  Supports

Web: Elements have complete start and end tags, elements are nested according to their specifications, elements do not contain duplicate attributes, and any IDs are unique.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A)
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document)
  • (Open Functionality Software)
  • (Closed Software)
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)

Web: Does Not Support

Web: User interface components in most product functions do not provide programmatic [name, role, state, or value] information.

Examples include:

  • An element has an invalid attribute in its HTML code that is intended to provide its programmatic role, name, state, or another property to assistive technology, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the name, purpose, or content of the element or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following pages: Send & Download Files in Conversation; Work tab; Your Stats tab; View Freelance Project Details; Assets Tab; Manage Freelance Project & Payments; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Request a Payment; Request Payment - connect with Stripe/PayPal; Search for a Freelancer; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Services tab; Subscriber Area; Primary Footer; Search for a Service; Secondary Footer; Inbox Page (Employer).
  • A radio button, checkbox, or switch element does not have a programmatic name, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to determine the name of the element and may not understand its purpose or content or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following pages: Account Settings Page; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer.
  • An element that appears and functions like a Combobox does not have the required attributes in its HTML code needed to provide its programmatic role, name, state, and other properties to assistive technology, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the name, purpose, or content of the element or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following pages: Create a Freelance Project; Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Project; Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Search for an Asset; Settings; View Service & Inquire.
  • An element has an invalid attribute in its HTML code that is intended to provide its programmatic role, name, state, or another property to assistive technology, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the name, purpose, or content of the element or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following page: Inbox Page (Employer).
  • An element functions as if it has two programmatic roles, so one or both roles may be incorrectly conveyed to people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology since assistive technology can convey only one role for any single element. This occurs on the following pages: Search for an Asset; Inbox Page (Employer).
  • An element is missing one or more required attributes in its HTML code that would provide its programmatic role, name, state, or another property to assistive technology, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the name, purpose, or content of the element or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following page: Create a Freelance Project.
  • The content of a tooltip cannot be accessed using a screen reader, so people who are blind and others who use a screen reader will not be able to read this content. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Account Settings Page; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Search for a Service; View Freelance Project Details; View Service & Inquire; Work tab.
  • An element has an invalid attribute in its HTML code that is intended to provide its programmatic role, name, state, or another property to assistive technology, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the name, purpose, or content of the element or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following page: Create a Project.
  • An element is missing or has an incorrect programmatic name, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to determine the name of the element and may not understand its purpose or content or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following page: You Tube Video Player.
  • An element does not have an attribute in its HTML code that will provide its programmatic state (such as "checked"/"not checked") to assistive technology or the state assigned is not correct, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the current state of the element or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following pages: Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Settings.
  • A button does not have a programmatic role, so its role (usually button, but sometimes link or something else) is not conveyed to screen readers and other assistive technologies and will not be available to people who use those technologies. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Work tab; Search for a Project; Create a Project; Delete Asset; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Search for a Service; Send & Download Files in Conversation; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer.
  • The programmatic state of an element that reveals or hides content ("expanded" or “collapsed") is missing or is used incorrectly, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology will not be informed of the current state of the element or the state will be misrepresented. This occurs on the following pages: Search for a Project; Account Settings Page; Search for a Freelancer; Create a Project; Delete Asset; Help Center; Inbox Page (Employer); Primary Header; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Request a Payment; Request Payment - connect with Stripe/PayPal; Search for a Service; Send Payment to Freelancer - Inbox Employer; View Asset Purchases.
  • The HTML code for a link or button is nested inside the code of another link or button, so assistive technologies may not be able to determine the function of the element. This occurs on the following pages: Search for a Freelancer; Manage Freelance Project & Payments; Search for a Service; View Freelance Projects.
  • A button does not have a programmatic name, so its name (such as "Submit" or "Cancel") is not conveyed to screen readers and other assistive technologies and will not be available to people who use those technologies. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Search for a Project; Create a Project; Delete Asset.
  • A button does not have a programmatic role and name, so its role (usually button, but sometimes link or something else) and its name (such as "Submit" or "Cancel") are not conveyed to screen readers and other assistive technologies and will not be available to people who use those technologies. This occurs on the following pages: Inbox Page (Employer); Account Settings Page; View Freelance Project Details; Search for a Service; View Service & Inquire; Search for a Freelancer.
  • The HTML code for a link or button is nested inside the code of another link or button, so assistive technologies may not be able to determine the function of the element. This occurs on the following pages: Create a Freelance Project; Inbox Page (Employer); Request a Payment; Work tab; Your Stats tab; Search for a Service; Settings; Search for an Asset.
  • A link does not have a programmatic role, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the purpose and function of the link or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following pages: Search for a Project; View Asset Purchases.
  • A custom radio button does not have a role and/or a state (checked/unchecked) that are conveyed to assistive technology, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the purpose of the radio button, how to use it, and whether it is checked. This occurs on the following pages: Create a Freelance Project.
  • For an element that allows a user either to select or not select a single option (like a checkbox or radio buttons) or to select from among 2 or more options (like a select dropdown), the state (such as checked/unchecked or selected/not selected) is not conveyed to assistive technology, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the purpose of the element, the options available, and whether the element or an option is currently checked. This occurs on the following pages: Search for a Project; Your Stats tab; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Search for a Service; Search for a Freelancer - Responsive Tablet and Mobile View only.
  • A form input element does not have a programmatic name, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to determine the name of the element and may not understand its purpose or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following pages: Your Stats tab; Work tab; Delete Asset.
  • When a control (such as a button) is disabled, its disabled state is not conveyed programmatically, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology will not be informed that the control is disabled. This occurs on the following pages: View Freelance Project Details; Request Payment - connect with Stripe/PayPal.
  • A form field does not have a programmatic name, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the purpose of the form field or what input it requires. This occurs on the following pages: Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Create a Project.
  • A link does not have discernible link text, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the destination or function of the link. This occurs on the following pages: Help Center; Search for a Service; Search for a Project, View Freelance Project Details - Responsive Tablet and Mobile View only.
  • An element does not have an attribute in its HTML code that will provide its programmatic role to assistive technology or the role assigned is not correct (like assigning a button the role of "checkbox"), so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may not be able to understand the name, purpose, or content of the element or how to interact with it. This occurs on the following page: Inbox Page (Employer) - Responsive Tablet and Mobile View only.

4.1.3 Status Messages (Level AA )
Also applies to:
EN 301 549 Criteria

  • (Web)
  • (Non-web document) – Does not apply
  • (Open Functionality Software) – Does not apply
  • (Closed Software) – Does not apply
  • 11.8.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 12.1.2 (Product Docs)
  • 12.2.4 (Support Docs)

Revised Section 508 – Does not apply

Web: Partially Supports

Web: In most cases, status messages can be programmatically determined and presented by assistive technologies without receiving focus. 

Exception includes:

  • A status message is not automatically announced by the screen reader, so people who are blind and/or use a screen reader or other assistive technology may completely miss the status message or they may not hear it in a timely fashion. This occurs on the following pages: Create a Freelance Project; Inbox Page (Employer); Request a Payment; Search for a Freelancer; Search for a Project; View Freelance Project Details; Connect with PayPal or Stripe; Download an Asset; Hire Freelancer - Inbox Employer; Manage Freelance Project & Payments; Receive a Freelance Request - Inbox Employee; Search for a Service; Search for an Asset; Settings; View Service & Inquire.

Functional Performance (FPC, FPS)


These examples cover two VPAT tables:

●       Section 508, Chapter 3, Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)

●       EN 301 549, Chapter 4: 4.2 Functional Performance Statements (FPS)


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

302.1 Without Vision 
4.2.1 Usage without vision

Web: Does Not Support

Web: Most functions of the product are not usable without vision. Examples include: 

  •  1.1.1 Non-Text Content
  •  1.2.1 Audio-Only and Video Only (prerecorded)
  •  1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  •  1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence
  •  1.4.1 Use of Color
  •  2.1.1 Keyboard
  •  2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
  •  2.4.2 Page Titled
  •  2.4.3 Focus Order
  •  2.4.4 Link Purpose (in context)
  •  2.4.6 Headings and Labels
  •  3.1.2 Language of Parts
  •  3.3.1 Error Identification
  •  4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  •  4.1.3 Status Messages

302.2 With Limited Vision}
4.2.2 Usage with limited vision

Web: Does Not Support

Web: Most functions of the product are not usable with limited vision. Examples include:

  •  1.1.1 Non-Text Content
  •  1.2.1 Audio-Only and Video Only (prerecorded)
  •  1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  •  1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence
  •  1.4.1 Use of Color
  •  1.4.3 Contrast (minimum)
  •  1.4.4 Resize Text
  •  1.4.10 Reflow
  •  1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast
  •  1.4.12 Text Spacing
  •  1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
  •  2.1.1 Keyboard
  •  2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
  •  2.4.2 Page Titled
  •  2.4.3 Focus Order
  •  2.4.4 Link Purpose (in context)
  •  2.4.6 Headings and Labels
  •  2.4.7 Focus Visible
  •  3.1.2 Language of Parts
  •  3.3.1 Error Identification
  •  3.3.2 Labels or Instructions
  •  4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

302.3 Without Perception of Color
4.2.3 Usage without perception of colour

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: Most functions of the product are not usable without perception of color. Examples include: 

  •  1.4.1 Use of Color
  •  1.4.3 Contrast (minimum)
  •  1.4.11 Non-Text Contrast

302.4 Without Hearing
4.2.4 Usage without hearing

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not require the use of hearing.

302.5 With Limited Hearing
4.2.5 Usage with limited hearing

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not require the use of hearing.

302.6 Without Speech
4.2.6 Usage without vocal capability

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not require the use of speech.

302.7 With Limited Manipulation (US)

Web: Does Not Support

Web: Most functions of the product are not usable by people with limited manipulation and/or requires manipulation, simultaneous action, or hand strength. Examples include:

  •  2.1.1 Keyboard
  •  2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
  •  2.4.2 Page Titled
  •  2.4.3 Focus Order
  •  2.4.4 Link Purpose (in context)
  •  2.4.6 Headings and Labels
  •  2.4.7 Focus Visible
  •  4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

4.2.7 Usage with limited manipulation or strength (EU)

Web: Does Not Support

Web: Most functions of the product are not usable by people with limited manipulation and/or requires manipulation, simultaneous action, or hand strength. Examples include:

  •  1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose
  •  1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
  •  2.1.1 Keyboard
  •  2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
  •  2.4.2 Page Titled
  •  2.4.3 Focus Order
  •  2.4.4 Link Purpose (in context)
  •  2.4.6 Headings and Labels
  •  2.4.7 Focus Visible
  •  2.5.3 Label in Name
  •  4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

302.8 With Limited Reach and Strength (US)

Web: Supports 

Web: The product is functional with limited reach and strength.

4.2.8 Usage with limited reach (EU)

Web: Partially Supports

Web: Most functions of the product are usable by people with limited reach. Exceptions include: 

  •  1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose
  •  1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
  •  2.5.3 Label in Name

4.2.9 Minimize photosensitive seizure triggers (EU only)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not contain flashing content.

302.9 With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning Abilities
4.2.10 Usage with limited cognition

Web: Does Not Support

Web: Most functions of the product are not usable by people with limited language, cognitive, and learning abilities. People with cognitive disabilities have varying needs for features that allow them to adapt content and work with assistive technology. Examples include:

  •  1.1.1 Non-Text Content
  •  1.2.1 Audio-Only and Video Only (prerecorded)
  •  1.3.1 Info and Relationships
  •  1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence
  •  1.3.5 Identify Input Purpose
  •  1.4.1 Use of Color
  •  1.4.10 Reflow
  •  1.4.12 Text Spacing
  •  1.4.13 Content on Hover or Focus
  •  2.1.1 Keyboard
  •  2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide
  •  2.4.1 Bypass Blocks
  •  2.4.2 Page Titled
  •  2.4.3 Focus Order
  •  2.4.4 Link Purpose (in context)
  •  2.4.6 Headings and Labels
  •  2.4.7 Focus Visible
  •  2.5.3 Label in Name
  •  3.1.2 Language of Parts
  •  3.3.1 Error Identification
  •  3.3.2 Labels or Instructions
  •  4.1.2 Name, Role, Value
  •  4.1.3 Status Messages

4.2.11 Privacy (EU only)

Web: Supports (Not Applicable)

Web: The product does not ask for or display legal, financial, or personal data.

Revised Section 508 Report


Chapter 5: Software


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

502 Interoperability with Assistive Technology

502.2.1 User Control of Accessibility Features

Not Applicable

The product is not platform software

502.2.2 No Disruption of Accessibility Features


The product does not disrupt most platform accessibility features.

503.2 User Preferences

Not Applicable

Not applicable to web.

503.3 Alternative User Interfaces

Not Applicable

The product does not provide an alternative user interface that functions as assistive technology.

503.4 User Controls for Captions and Audio Description

503.4.1 Caption Controls

Not Applicable

The product does not display video with synchronized audio that requires captions.

503.4.2 Audio Description Controls

Does Not Support

The product does not provide user controls for audio descriptions. Example includes:

  • A multimedia player cannot play an audio description track, so people who are blind or have low vision are not able to access the information in the video portion of the multimedia described in the audio track. This occurs on the following pages: Vimeo Video Player; JS Player.

504 Authoring Tools

504.2 Content Creation or Editing

See WCAG 2.1 section

See information in WCAG section.

504.2.1 Preservation of Information Provided for Accessibility in Format Conversion

Not Applicable

The product is not an authoring tool.

504.2.2 PDF Export

Not Applicable

The product is not an authoring tool.

504.3 Prompts

Not Applicable

The product is not an authoring tool.

504.4 Templates

Not Applicable

The product is not an authoring tool.

Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services

Notes: Information regarding Support Documentation and Services is available in the Accessibility Conformance Report for the Adobe Help Center on the Adobe Accessibility Compliance website.


EN 301 549 Report

Chapter 5: Generic Requirements


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

5.2 Activation of accessibility features

Not Applicable

The product does not have specific documented accessibility features. The product instead relies upon platform accessibility features.

5.4 Preservation of accessibility information during conversion

Not Applicable

The product is not an authoring tool.

5.5.1 Means of operation

Not Applicable

The product has only non-mechanical operable parts, such as on-screen buttons, which do not require grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist to operate.

5.5.2 Operable parts discernibility

Partially Supports

The product has only non-mechanical operable parts, such as on-screen buttons. Most operable parts have an accessible name which enables them to be discernible without user vision. Exception includes: 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value.

5.9 Simultaneous user actions

Not Applicable

The product does not require simultaneous user actions to achieve any functionality.

Chapter 7: ICT with Video Capabilities


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

7.1 Caption processing technology

7.1.1 Captioning playback

Not Applicable

The product does not require a caption playback function because no meaningful audio information was observed in the video.

7.1.2 Captioning synchronization

Not Applicable

The product does not display closed captions.

7.1.3 Preservation of captioning

Not Applicable

The product does not transmit, convert, or record video with synchronized audio.

7.2.1 Audio description playback

Does Not Support

The product does not provide a mechanism to select and play closed audio description. Example includes:

  • A multimedia player cannot play an audio description track, so people who are blind or have low vision are not able to access the information in the video portion of the multimedia described in the audio track. This occurs on the following pages: Vimeo Video Player; JS Player.

7.2.2 Audio description synchronization

Not Applicable

The product does have a mechanism to play closed audio description.

7.2.3 Preservation of audio description

Not Applicable

The product does not transmit, convert, or record video with synchronized audio

7.3 User controls for captions and audio description

Does Not Support

The product does not provide user controls for captions or audio descriptions. Example includes:

  • A multimedia player does not provide a control to activate the audio description track, so people who are blind, low vision, and others who need audio description will not be able to access information provided by the video alone. This occurs on the following pages: Vimeo Video Player; JS Player.

Chapter 10: Non-web Documents


Conformance Level

Remarks and Explanations

10.0 General through

See WCAG 2.1 section

See information in WCAG 2.1 section

10.5 Caption positioning

Non-Web Document (Video): Not Applicable

The video does not have captions which would require positioning.

10.6 Audio description timing

Non-Web Document (Video): Not Applicable

The video does not have audio description which would require timing.

Chapter 11: Software

Notes: Not Applicable