Creativity for All

We believe that everyone is creative and has the right to share their story, which creates a richer world for all of us.

Illustrations by Yulia Vus

Explore our Creativity for All programs and initiatives.

As the creativity company, Adobe is uniquely committed to supporting creators of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels so they can express themselves, tell their stories, build great careers, and make an impact.

Igniting creativity through education.

We are passionate about ensuring that students, next-generation learners and teachers everywhere are equipped with the tools they need to unleash creative expression and digital literacy for all.

Expanding access to Adobe products for schools and nonprofits.

Through Adobe for Education, we offer our easy-to-use, task-based creativity applications to teachers and students in the U.S. and have put Adobe Express in the hands of more than 40 million K–12 students globally. With Adobe for Nonprofits, we offer free and discounted licenses to over 10 million nonprofits around the world to help them engage donors and drive greater impact.

Advancing digital literacy with Adobe Creative Campuses.

We partner with over 100 Adobe Creative Campus partners around the world to provide students with access to digital skills and Adobe tools designed to empower students in all disciplines to learn the creative, productivity and AI skills employers need.

Bringing AI literacy, content creation and digital marketing skills to 30 million worldwide.

The Adobe Digital Academy is focused on equipping emerging professionals, next-generation learners and teachers with AI literacy, content creation and digital marketing skills to thrive in the modern workforce. Our program is the first of its kind to be geared towards members of the creator economy and expands on the Adobe Digital Academy’s decade of success in upskilling and building career pathways.

Championing creators, artists and storytellers.

Creativity is the great catalyst. It has the power to create change, unite and inspire.

Developing artists through Adobe x Sundance.

Since 2015, Adobe has partnered with the Sundance Institute on a year-round artist development program, inspiring creativity and supporting emerging filmmakers. Over that time, our collaboration has supported over 90 Fellows.

Empowering creators through Adobe x Museums.

Adobe x Museums supports creativity in the community through global museum collaborations that provide greater youth and family access to arts education. This program raises the visibility of diverse and emerging creators, across traditional and digital art forms.

Supporting creators with the Adobe Film and TV Fund.

The Adobe Film and TV Fund supports funding, career, and training opportunities in the entertainment business. Our goal is to accelerate the careers of emerging filmmakers and editors. We empower filmmakers to start and complete their films, supporting them along pivotal points in the film journey from seed funding to finishing funds, including vital last-mile expenses.