Welcome to the Wizard

Welcome to Acrobat Customization Wizard (hereafter, the “Wizard”). The Wizard streamlines the task of configuring (customizing) the installer prior to organization-wide deployment. For example, if you have a volume license, you do not need to register and personalize each copy of the product you install. You can customize the installer to not only skip the standard registration questions but also accept the EULA and fill in your organization name automatically. Other options include:

  • Leverage existing deployments by copying enterprise files and registry configurations.

  • Modify the registry (via the Registry Editor) and installer tables (via the Direct Editor) directly.

  • Optimize the behavior of the installer by setting up silent installation, pre-serialization, reboot options, languages, and so on.

  • Remove previous versions of Reader and Acrobat.


Installer customization via third-party apps is neither tested nor supported and customers should only use the Acrobat Customization Wizard to modify product installers.

Version rules

  • Adobe releases periodic Wizard updates. While the Wizard may work if the product and Wizard updates become out of sync, we suggest that you always use the latest version.

  • Multiple Wizard versions on one machine: While most users report no problems with multiple versions of the Wizard installed, it is a known constraint that these should be installed in order. It is possible that the presence of more than one version could cause problems with some features such as activation.

  • The Wizard can only be used to tune Acrobat products.

  • The Wizard can tune all product tracks.

Supported products

This Wizard supports all Windows Acrobat products, including Reader. Certain UI components are enabled or disabled based on the loaded installer file. For example, when customizing Reader, some of the available options which are specific to Acrobat will not display in the user interface.

Documentation notes

The online documentation is always more current than the in-product version.